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Office of Information Technology & Data Resources

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    College staff: contact your college's Security Contact

    System Office staff: email

The Program Management application provides an interactive interface for the TCSG colleges to request new programs and new courses and to manage program terminations. When a college submits a request for a new program to the state office, the application is then reviewed. Once the application has passed the review process it is recommended to the State Board.

New course requests are generally submitted when a new program is institutionally developed and the new course is needed as part of the program. Once submitted by the college, courses are reviewed by the state office.

In addition to developing new programs and courses, colleges can manage and request the termination of programs.

Search Semester Curriculum:
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    College staff: contact your college's Security Contact

    System Office staff: email

This application allows you to search the semester curriculum for all approved standards, all locked courses, and college-specific catalogs.

College Catalog:
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    College staff: contact your college's Security Contact

    System Office staff: email

This application allows you to generate college-specific catalogs.