Code Descriptions

Code Description
1HL Below GPA First HOPE Scholarship Loss
1ZL Below GPA First Zell Miller Scholarship Loss
2HL Below GPA Second HOPE Scholarship Loss - Not Eligible
2ZL Below GPA Second Zell Miller Scholarship Loss - Not Eligible
BACH Bachelor Degree
BG Below GPA-Not Eligible
EXP Reached Expiration Date - Not Eligible
HGG HOPE Grant Eligible GPA
HSG HOPE Scholarship Eligible GPA
HSGN High School GPA Not Verified or Current High School Student
INPC Ineligible, Pre-CHECS
MXG Exceeded Maximum number of Grant Hours - Not Eligible
MXS Exceeded Maximum Number of Scholarship Hours - Not Eligible
NCC No Checkpoint Calculated
NEE Does Not Meet Initial Eligibility Requirements
ZMGG Zell Miller Grant Eligible GPA
ZMSG Zell Miller Scholarship Eligible GPA
Code Description
1HRC Scholarship 30/45 Hours Checkpoint
1PHC HOPE Grant 30 Paid Hour Checkpoint
2HRC Scholarship 60/90 Hours Checkpoint
2PHC HOPE Grant 60 Paid Hour Checkpoint
3HRC Scholarship 90/135 Hours Checkpoint
3TC Scholarship First 3 Terms Less Than Full-Time Checkpoint
EOSC Scholarship End of Spring Term
NCC No Checkpoint Calculated
ZMGT Zell Miller Grant Term Checkpoint
No Calculation Reason
Code Description
NDR No CHECS Data on File
PDC Pending Transcript Data Correction
PSC Pending Historical Snapshot Resolution